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There are two sides to every endeavor, every company. One side creates, manufactures, develops, and sells goods and services. Most companies know how to manage that part pretty well. The other side is getting people to work well together, perform at their potential, collaborate, problem-solve and stay with a company. Most companies do a poor job at that because it requires leadership instead of management.
When managers don't know how to lead, performance is less than potential, and employees are disengaged. Annual polls by Gallup report two-thirds of all employees are disengaged. Disengaged employees are not invested in doing their best. Over half of the reasons given why people leave jobs is because of their poor relationship with managers. Managers without leadership skills create toxic cultures. There is a brain drain occurring as top performers leave toxic corporate cultures to go elsewhere.
There is a severe lack of leadership in American companies...lots of managers, very few leaders. When acknowledged, the answer has been to send managers to leadership training. Any seasoned Human Resources professional will tell you that leadership training doesn't often work because training programs don't change long term behavior.
Please review our Home page and our Services page, and then contact us for a discussion.
^ Dr. Don Osborne Interviewed by Hospitality Technology Magazine at the Murtec Executive Summit, Fall 2018
^ Why Sales Managers Need to Be Leaders Too
^ Dr. Don Osborne Interviewed at Apprentice University, Spring 2019
Part 1: Why Start Think Then Lead?
^ Dr. Don Osborne Interviewed at Apprentice University, Spring 2019
Part 3: What Makes TTL's Methodology Work?
^ Think Then Lead Concept Video:
"Kudzu & Rabbits"
^ Think Then Lead Concept Video:
High & Low Leadership Effectiveness
^ Dr. Don Osborne Interviewed at Apprentice University, Spring 2019
Part 2: Improve Leadership in Your Company
^ Think Then Lead Concept Video:
"Missed Leading"

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