There are two operational sides to any organization: the tasks of developing and selling the company's goods and services, and the people side of recruiting, developing and retaining a high performing work force. By observing, interviewing and assessing employees, we determine a company's culture and the causes of poor performance, disengagement and turn over. A written report is provided with our findings, conclusions and recommendations.

".... an invaluable consultant who has helped our business realize and overcome issues that arise with growth." - Jason Hodge, CEO J Trans, Inc.
We don't presume to know the technical side of your business. We are experts in understanding and changing human behavior. We use our knowledge and practice of psychology, leadership and team development to enhance performance in the workplace. The solutions we recommend are best made to top decision-makers and Human Resource professionals so that buy-in for any change initiative is from the top down.
"Year after year, senior executives and their HR teams pour money
PROGRAMMING into training in an effort to trigger organizational change. But what they actually need is a new way of thinking about employee
development" - Harvard Business Review
Changing people's behavior so they willingly exert greater effort is neither easy nor quick. Our research-based programs combine the psychology of human performance in the workplace (corporate culture) and leadership or sales skills development designed to change behavior. Our programs are typically much longer than others in order to create lasting change.

We are constantly performing research on the skills that work best in sales, leadership, team development and employee retention. One - hour and two - hour interactive seminars will soon be held on our internet platform to share what our ongoing research shows. Often requested topics have included everything from overcoming objections in sales to engaging employees in the workplace.
Coaching is available for managers. It is included in culture changing, sales and leadership development programs.